Take the first step for your website.

Choose name that best reflects you and register it now.

  • .tr
    ₺287.32 $8.00
  • .com
    ₺430.98 $12.00
  • .com.tr
    ₺287.32 $8.00
  • .net
    ₺502.81 $14.00
  • .org
    ₺502.81 $14.00

SSL Certificates

Take the security of your website up. Support your site's rise in search engines with an SSL certificate. Moreover, if you are getting your web hosting service from Gri; with the help of AutoInstall SSL, you can easily install your certificate in minutes.

Trademark Registration

Register your brand now with the online trademark registration application.
Hand over your trademark registration application to professional hands.
Protect your brand and industrial rights.