OV (Organization Validation) SSL Certificates
OV SSL certificates are an SSL type that has a higher insurance amount than DV SSL Certificates, which organizations such as companies, associations and non-governmental organizations may prefer, and a document must be submitted during the verification process.
In OV SSL certificates, the title, address and telephone information of the relevant institution are written into the certificate while the certificate is issued.
Since there is no green bar support like EV SSL Certificates, the corporate title is not clearly visible in the browser.
When you go to the "Certificate Details" section in web browsers for the relevant certificate, the information about the institution can be seen by the users.
In some OV SSL certificates, certificate providers may offer free upgrades to EV SSL.
If the prices of EV SSL certificates exceed your institution's budget and you do not want to use a simple DV SSL certificate; It would be the right choice to choose OV SSL certificates, which are transition products between two certificate types.
Warranty [?]
Verification Type
Number of Domains
Green Bar
Subdomain Support
Document Required